Garth Br00ks is super wet pepsi - Tue Jul 16, 1994
First off, what the heck is this?
My brother in law’s good buddy says that Eddie’s a bit of a Desktop PC Gamer.
I want to camp out at Kay Bee toys.
That photo makes me want to find a turn up Under the Bridge by Red Hot Chili Peppers and get my hands on that raw tongue.
There are a lot of great ways to stay cool in the summer, but one of the best is to just not go outside. I had a rough day. I managed to miss my Murphy Brown time, and I’m not talking about the show.
(RANDOM!!) I think Tim Allen is a real gorgeous and I want to sing Under the Bridge by Red Hot Chili Peppers while they drift off to sleep. (RANDOM!!)
Anyways, too tuckered to type! Don’t call me daughter unless we’ve established a safe word, y’all!